
We call the planets and the Sun solar System.Our Solar system is made up of nine planets.They are:Mercury,Venus,Earth,Mars ,Jupiter,Satrun,Uranus,Neptune,and Sun. The Sun isn't planet.It is a star.Thefirst planet,next to the Sun,is Mercury.Venus is the second planet from the Sun and it twinkles as"a moring star".The Earth is the third planet.We live on thBiz planetlərin və Sun günəş system.Our Günəş sistemi doqquz planets.They ibarətdir zəng var: Merkuri, Venera, Yer, Mars, Yupiter, Satrun, Uran, Neptun və Sun Sun planet.It bir star.The first planet,next to the Sun,is Mercury Venus is thesecond planet from the sun and it twinkles as"a moring star".The Earth is the third planet.We live on the planet Earth.Its age is 0,0 billion years.It is between venus and Mars.Jupiter is the biggest planet.Satrun,Neptune and uranus are all bigger than the Earth,but venus,Mars (the red planet ),Mercury and Pluto are smaller plantes than the earth.


我们称之为行星和太阳的太阳System.Our太阳能系统由了九planets.They是:水星,金星,地球,火星,木星,Satrun,天王星,海王星和Sun. 太阳是不是planet.It是star.Thefirst星球,旁边的太阳,是Mercury.Venus是距离太阳第二行星和它闪耀为“莫林明星” .The地球是第三planet.We直播在thBizplanetlərinvə孙günəşsystem.OurgünəşSISTEMI doqquz planets.TheyibarətdirzəngVAR:Merkuri,金星,也门里亚尔,火星,Yupiter,Satrun,乌兰,海王星və孙孙planet.It井star.The第一颗行星,旁边太阳,水星金星从太阳thesecond星球,它闪耀为“莫林明星” .The地球是第三planet.We生活在这个星球Earth.Its年龄0,0十亿years.It是金星和火星之间.Jupiter是最大的planet.Satrun,

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